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korhee [coffee]

coffee is moli's daily booster
life couldn't live without at least a cuppa korhee
moli used to have around 7-9 cups per day
but she got warned from lilweiser
no longer can have that much of korhee >.<
yea yea.. moli knows too much no good
but then without korhee, moli's life is so empty
moli will keep on yawning & feels like lost & missed out one thing
**yea yea, moli admits she is totally addict to korhee**

so moli's daily booster is Nescafe Rich
no rike mild (too sweet & not thick) & regular (still not thick enough)
moli will have a cup every morning once reach opis

but recently, nescafe comes out a new flavor
Nescafe Ipoh White Coffee
yes... this is even nicer than Rich
thick, no sweet & smooth
moli loves it so much
it can replace the Rich moli used to drink
but the price is few ringgit more than Rich
& it's around 10 packets lesser =3=
need to source for a place that sell slightly cheaper lio

oh by the way, moli managed to get 100g of Kopi Luwak
still have yet to taste it
hopefully moli can taste it after this weekend XD

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