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Rolleiflex Mini Digi AF 5.0

moli came across this beauty during snaking time
it was like...
Ohmeegoose!!! how come it's so cute one!!!!
a TLR in digital format
the heart just tells moli
but when moli sees the price
ohmyfuckingexpensive >.<
a LX3 price eh...

wanna see how cute the beauty is
please be prepared for the poison


Mas Light said...

I was telling a fren about it the other day and his friend has it. But it's just for show. Not very gewd he said *sigh.

Unknown said...

oh..issit?? how is the outcome? will it be like film style? faded?

don't think it will be like dslr or dgcam. should be something like nico digi or vivitar or smthg like digital lomo XD

Mas Light said...

Not sure, my fren just told me it ain't as satisfying as the film.